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Lot 11 - LEW Miss Watkins 450 - Show Prospect

High bid
2 years 14 weeks 7 hours 50 min 7 sec ago
Lot Information:
LEW Miss Watkins 450
Sire: Mr. V8 378/8 #988541
Dam: RB 567/8 Miss Fantaisie #988307
Consignor: Watkins Brahmans
Show Prospect

LEW Miss Watkins 450 is just a May 2022 baby that has been started on the halter.  There is no question that her best days are ahead as she has an outstanding phenotype being heavy structured, deep ribbed, thick ended, and all in an eye appealing package.  This female will be one of the first daughters offered by Mr. V8 378/8 “Boomer” who is a flushmate to the Reserve National Champion Mr. V8 376/8 “Dutton” and BRC Boomtown.  They are sired by +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” and out of the two-time International Champion +Miss V8 21/8 “Boom Shaka Laka”.  The dam to 450 is a heifer that was purchased in The Brahman Foundation sale that was shown and ultimately became one of Watkins Brahmans donors.  RB 567/8 is the result of the proven cross of the National Champion +JDH Mr. Manso 840 combined with +JADL Rey and +WR Marti Sid 071.  I knowit is hard to predict the outcome of such a young calf but rest assured she has the phenotype and pedigree to develop into a really nice female.  This could be the value lot!


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