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Lot - 11 - Lady Bar D Belle 123

High bid
4 years 48 weeks 3 days 10 hours 40 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady Bar D Belle 123
Mr. H Oxford Rojo 604/4
Watson's Lady Manso Leget
BW: 0.7 WW: 17.4 YW: 30.2 M: 7.0
Bar D Cattle Company

Lady Bar D Belle 123 is a halter broke ready to show heifer that has the essential pieces to be a competitive show heifer and future donor.  This red-tinged female is sound structured, huge middled, level made, and heavy muscled with great breed character.  Not only does she have the desired build but a pedigree to envy.  She is sired by Mr. H Oxford Rojo who was a successful show bull with an International Reserve Division title to his credit before being sold to Venezuela.  In his first calf crop Oxford sired a many time winner who recently picked up an International Show Division Title, Mr. H Marco Rojo 190/8.  The dam to Belle is also the dam to the 2018 Texas Junior Brahman Association Champion Red Brahman Bull, Mr. Bar D Ringo 105/7, proving her value and placing her in the donor pen.  Belle is a ¾ Heritage Cattle Company bred female that has the build and pedigree to be one that you can build a program around!

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Sire: Mr. H Oxford Rojo 604/4

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