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Lot 11- L Bar 9219 Open Heifer

High bid
4 years 51 weeks 1 day 8 hours 32 min ago
Lot Information:
L Bar 9219
March 31 2019
L Bar 6209
L Bar 6015
CE 2.7, B 0.3, W 27, Y 49, M 9.4, MCE 3.5, MWW 23, SC 0.5, REA 0.51, FAT -0.031, MARB -0.16, $T $84, $M $16

This exceptional heifer is half-sister to Lots 8, 9 and 10. She is sired by L Bar 6209 and L Bar 6015 (Escalade daughter). She was one of the top RFI heifers in the recent Growsafe Test at The Genetic Development Center.

She ranks top 15% or better for Maternal Calving Ease and Ribeye Area.  L Bar 9219 is DNA Parent Verified (DNA#NE01036311).



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