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Lot 11 - JDH Taylor Manso 962/4

High bid
9 years 48 weeks 5 days 55 min 49 sec ago
Lot Information:
JDH Taylor Manso 962/4
JDH Mr Elmo Manso 309/4
Miss Royal K 23/4
BW 3.4 WW 23.7 YW 39.7 M 3.5

Selling full possession and 50% breeding interest

Pen Score 1-Scrotal 39-BW 82-IMF % 3.21-REA/cwt 1.00-Frame Score 9

JDH Taylor Manso 962/4 is the heaviest structured bull in the sale, exhibiting an extreme amount of bone.  One thing we have learned over the years is that bone is one of the most difficult traits to add to cattle. If your herd needs an injection of frame and substance, Taylor is the bull for you.  He also carries that sire appeal and high breed character look that will add content to any herd.

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