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Lot 11 - JDH Lady Azra Manso 920/4

High bid
5 years 15 weeks 3 days 12 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Azra Manso 920/4
JDH Mr Elmo Manso 309/4
JDH Lady Corrina Manso 422/4
BW: 2.3 WW: 26.7 YW: 39.7 M: 6.7

Every year we like to offer an opportunity to buy a very own daughter of Elmo in our Traditions sale. With good reason, Elmo genetics continue to be some of the most sought after genetics here at JD Hudgins, and all over the world for that matter. Elmo has been an influential force in the Brahman breed over the last decade and females like  JDH Lady Azra Manso 920/4 serve as examples why.  Combining femininity with power, presence with docility, and soundness with substance is not always easy to put in the same package. 920/4 offers all of these things and more, including other breed greats in her pedigree such as Charley's Jazz, Datapack, and Lady Ellis. We would hate to see you miss this opportunity to own a royally bred female like Lady Azra.  We believe that she has the potential to add a tremendous amount of consistency and performance to your breeding program!!

Act BW  72   Curr Wt 750   Hip Ht 48.5   Frame Score 6.0   Doc Score 1.5

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