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Lot 11 - HPP Mr. Tabasco Beckton 177/3 - Semen

High bid
6 years 43 weeks 6 days 5 hours 35 min ago
Lot Information:
HPP Mr. Tabasco Beckton 177/3 - Semen
JDH Beckton De Manso 490/7
HPP Miss Tabasco Wellington 743/1
Double A Ranch

The Final Price is 3 times the bid price

Tabasco has impressed us tremendously with his first calf crop. Every calf, one after another, using many different breeding Dams, has proven again and again he is of a consistent nature and his offspring is very uniform. His sire is JDH Beckton De Manso 490/7 which is an extremely functional bull and has been a large impact for JDH. This young herdsire of ours offesr muscle, a clean sheath and that long extended front end that makes those awesome females we all want! His calf crop definitely speaks for him. He's making a big bang in our herd and we believe he can for yours too! We are offering 3 Units of semen with 3 breding certificates included. Each additional breeding certificate can be purchased for $100.00.

Other Lot Images
HPP Mr. Tabasco Beckton 177/3 offspring
HPP Mr. Tabasco Beckton 177/3 offspring

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