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Lot 11 - GF MS MORGANZA 47/7 (C958882)

High bid
7 years 20 weeks 3 days 23 hours 13 min ago
Lot Information:
GF MS MORGANZA 47/7 (C958882)
Show Heifer Prospect
MR. JS/EM 928/9 (B879617)
MISS JS 571/6 (854037)
BW: 3.5 WW:24.4 YW:34.9 M: 7.4
Graham Farms

Graham Farms is offering their best for this special sale. A heifer that is already started on the halter, and will need just a little time before she is ready for your show string. She is probably the biggest ribbed heifer being offered; and is deep flanked and big topped which makes the perfect combination. She is out of Mr. JS/EM 928/9 “The General” who has sired some amazing, high performing cattle for Graham Farms. Her Dam is Miss JS 571, a product of Mr. JS 509 “Cajun Boy” and Miss JS 482, the dam of Miss V8 382/7, who won Grand Champion at the 2013 Houston Livestock Show. She is a cross that is safe to bid on because it has worked time after time.

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