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Lot 11 - CCC Mr. Tom 119/5

High bid
4 years 39 weeks 3 days 15 hours 6 min ago
Lot Information:
CCC Mr. Tom 119/5
+Mr. JS Rouge 493/5
5M Miss Rojo Barb 307/0
BW: 2.6 WW: 14.0 YW: 23.3 M: 5.9
Hager Farms


A proven herd sire!  CCC Mr. Tom 119/5 is a proven herd sire that has been used lightly by Hager Farms.  He not only has an impressive build being stout made, long, level, deep and heavy muscled but comes backed by a proven pedigree and a balanced performance profile.  The sire to Mr. Tom is the Triple Crown Winner (National, International, World Brahman Congress) +Mr. JS Rouge 493/5.  Mr. Tom is out of the successful show cow and proven donor who has already produced a show point earner, 5M Miss Rojo Barb 307/0.  Mr. Tom is double bred +BB Mr. Sting Ray 10/0 who was the 2003 National Champion, ABBA Show Bull of the Year, and Register of Renown Sire whose genetics are rare.  Mr. Tom should cross extremely well on anything not Sting Ray related and add growth, red breed character and maternal traits.

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Sire: Mr. JS Rouge 493/5
Sire: Mr. JS Rouge 493/5
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Dam: 5M Miss Rojo Barb 307/0
Dam: 5M Miss Rojo Barb 307/0

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