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Lot 11 - BCC Miss Kitty Manso 152/0

High bid
2 years 26 weeks 2 days 14 hours 34 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Miss Kitty Manso 152/0
Sire: +Mr. H Maddox Manso 684
Dam: Miss V8 400/7
BW: 1.9 WW: 24 YW: 43 M: 5 Act. BW: 76

BCC Miss Kitty Manso 152/0 is the only +Mr H Maddox Manso 684 daughter selling today, and man is she a good one! This mating has proven to be a truly outstanding combination, as one of my best spring 2022 calves is a full sib flush mate to this female. Kitty has been a standout since she hit the ground. She was always one that caught the attention of anyone that saw her due to her being stout in her bone work, big topped and maternal, while still remaining ultra-feminine and balanced from the profile, being aided by how long and level down her topline she is. This is to be expected from the number of outstanding, eye appealing, successful animals in her pedigree, including her dam, Miss V8 400/7, who was an outstanding donor female before we lost her in the freeze of 2021. She was an outstanding +Mr. V8 380/6 daughter out of Miss V8 387/6, who was out of the famous +JDH Charley’s Jazz 946/1. On the topside her sire, +Mr H Maddox Manso 684, brings in the pedigree power and strong production background, as proven by his large number of successful donor and herd sire offspring. Kitty is selling 30 days exposed to my (+)JDH Sir Lawford Manso son, JDH Mr. Hammer Manso 406/8. Kitty was natural covered on 8/19, so there is a good chance she could be bred. She comes from a very fertile lineage, with her mother calving regularly and being a strong producer in IVF, averaging 25 embryos per IVF.


Bentke Cattle Company retains the right to two (2) successful IVF procedures after the conclusion of the female’s show career at the buyer’s convenience and the seller’s expense.


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Sire: +Mr. H Maddox Manso 684
Sire: +Mr. H Maddox Manso 684

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