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Lot 11

High bid
13 years 44 weeks 4 days 12 hours 27 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Laurie Manso 188/0
Mr H Morton Manso 964/7
SNS Miss Karu Didor 95/1

Maternal sister to 2010 International Champion Cow! Laurie 188/0 is one of two August babies in the sale. Sired by Mr. H Morton Manso 964/7 our best Maddox son to date and out of the Register of Renown donor + SNS Miss Karu Didor 95/1. Laurie is a beautifully designed heifer that has the bone, performance, and capacity to contend at the majors . With one lot remaining, don't miss this heifer.!

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Mr H Morton Manso 964/7 - Sire of Lot 11
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