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Lot 10 - Mr Broken Triangle 322

High bid
9 years 19 weeks 5 days 18 hours 57 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr Broken Triangle 322
Mr Red America 777/8
Miss 3-S 330
Actual BW: 87, BW: 3.2 WW: 19.7 YW: 30.6 M: 7.8

REA/CWT: 1.2, IMF%: 3.02, Rib Fat: .20, Rump Fat: .32, Scrotal Cir: 39 cm

Mr Broken Triangle 322 is one of the most eye appealing red Brahman bulls offered in this sale. He is sired by the Troubadour full brother 777/8 and out of a 3-S Ranch bred female. His maternal granddam VL Elena 3/150 was one of the best cows 3-S Ranch bought from Santa Elena Ranch.

322 has great breed character, color, long top, flat hip, good depth and sound on his feet and legs. This calf was the most impressive calf of the group at birth and he has really been coming on again lately. He is the youngest bull offered in the sale, having a birth date of December 28, 2015, but he could actually be the buy of the sale.


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