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Lot 10 - Miss WCC Blakely 78/4

High bid
10 years 21 weeks 4 days 20 hours 9 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss WCC Blakely 78/4
April 1, 2014
JDH San Antonio 881/4 (+JDH Elmo Manso 309/4 X +JDH Atlas Manso 328)
TTT Ms Suva’s Vernon 335 (+MK Vernon 349/1 X +Mr. Fontenot 125)

Miss WCC Blakely 78/4 is a full sister to “Venus,” and “Serena” offered in the sale. While she is not completely red in her color pattern, do not let that distract you. We have registered “Blakely” red because of her 50% pedigree and because she has over 50% red coloring on her body. We are committed to consigning our best to this sale and we feel “Blakely” has the potential to make an excellent red or gray show heifer prospect.

Everyone that has visited the ranch agrees, “Blakely has no holes.” What does that mean? This female is not only structurally correct, but she’s massive in her bone work and muscle pattern. She’s fault free and stands with so much width of base from the ground up. “Blakely” is extremely balanced, smooth in her shoulder and feminine about her neck and head. Time and time again, visitors keep going back to “Blakely” as she leaves a lasting impression on everyone.

We cannot speak enough about “Blakely’s” dam, TTT Ms Suva’s Vernon 335. She is the matriarch of our breeding program and has produced numerous “keeper” progeny for the ranch. Her frozen embryos are in high demand. Our good friend Luis Roberto Salinas Falcon of Mexico will have future progeny of TTT Ms Suva’s Vernon 335. The 335 cow is sired by the former international champion and producer of champions +MK Vernon 349/1. If you look on the bottom side of 335’s pedigree she is out of the famous Tic Tac Toe 961 cow who is sired by the +Mr. Fontenot 125.

The Sire, JDH San Antonio 881/4 bred by Mark Forgason of J.D. Hudgins Inc is a deep red +JDH Elmo Manso 309/4 son and out of a red colored +JDH Atlas Manso 328 daughter. This bull died at a very young age and very few progeny will ever be offered for sale, Miss WCC Blakely is one of only 4 JDH San Antonio sired progeny we will sell this year.

“Blakely” is ideal for a young showman who is not only looking to invest in a great show prospect but our best genetics. The opportunity to utilize a female like “Blakely” in a progressive red breeding program is ideal. The future owner can use practical any of today’s popular red genetics when breeding “Blakely” for a complete outcross. We think acquiring a female as fault free as “Blakely” will be a huge asset to the new owner. “Blakely” has been started on a show ration and daily show regiment.

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