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Lot 10 - Miss V8 486/6

High bid
12 years 25 weeks 6 days 15 hours 51 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 486/6
+Mr. V8 287/5
Miss V8 20/6
BW: 3.8 WW: 22.4 YW: 34.8 M: 6.1

Our last pair in the sale is a Superstroke daughter exposed to +Mr. V8 380/6 with a polled bull calf at side, born 3/26/12 sired by Mr. V8 51/6. This +JDH Mr. Charley Manso 590/6 grandaughter  is a very up headed, feminine designed female with a very level top and long body. The cow family represented in this pedigree is one of which legends are made of. Brahman historians who know their pedigrees will instantly recognize the +Miss V8 571/3 bloodline, made famous by producing greats like Miss V8 600/4 "Whitney”, the 2-time All American Champion Female. Another daughter from this cow family is +Miss V8 606/5, who produced the Acevedo’s +Miss V8 143/6 and 144/6 International Champion and Reserve cows. In total, this cow family has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars of high sellers throughout the Brahman world.  This cow family has been  one of the staples of success at V8 Ranch for the past 20 years.  486/6 is also a full sister to Horsegate’s herd sire Mr. V8 269/6.  Sells exposed back to +Mr. V8 380/6.

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