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Lot 10 - Miss V8 458/7 - Bred Donor

High bid
1 year 42 weeks 1 day 23 hours 50 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 458/7
Sire: +#JADL Rey TE
Dam: +Miss V8 997/5

STUDY THIS OPPORTUNITY!!! Miss V8 458/7 is a daughter of +#JADL REY TE 110 the former Mexican show champion that was imported into the USA by Alfredo Muskus. This top son of the Vanguard Sire, International Champion, and proven sire (+)JDH MADISON DE MANSO 737/4 has worked extremely well for a number of breeders not only in the US but around the world.  +#JADL REY TE 110 has produced numerous point earners in ABBA approved shows (National Champion, Reserve National Champion, Reserve International Champion) resulting in +#JADL REY TE 110’s entry into the ABBA’s Register of Renown. There is no doubt that on the sire side MISS V8 458/7 has an impressive pedigree, but equally impressive is the dam of 458/7, +MISS V8 997/5, who has produced over 91 offspring. +MISS V8 997/5 was a former show champion and obviously has been an outstanding producer with show champions, high sellers and three Register of Renown offspring to her credit.  Two of her most notable offspring are +MISS V8 765/6, who topped the ABBA International Sale one year at $38,000 and Mr. V8 137/8 who was a V8 Ranch show bull and now a widely used AI sire. +MISS V8 997/5 combines some of the best maternal genetics in the breed as she is sired by +MR. V8 901/4 and out of the dam of the ABBA International Grand Champion Gray Bull, +MR. V8 846/5 “The Rock”.

We have used 458/7 successfully with a daughter being a previous sale feature selling to The Barnes Family and a great set of calves on the ground now.

Miss V8 458/7 sells heavy bred to the 2022 International Champion Grey Bull JDH Rafiki Manso 893/7.

This is as good as it gets!!!

Selling 100% with KI Cattle Company & Bogue Chitto Cattle Co. keeping an interest to be able to register offspring from embryos already created.

Other Lot Images
Service Sire: 2022 International Champion JDH Rafiki Manso 893/7
Service Sire: 2022 International Champion JDH Rafiki Manso 893/7

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