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Lot 10 - Miss V8 157/8 - Bred Cow

High bid
3 years 20 weeks 4 days 2 hours 11 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 157/8
Sire: Mr. V8 243/7
Dam: +Miss V8 997/5
Bred Cow

Full Sister to the 2015 National Champion Bull!!!

In this sale we are offering some of our proven cows.  These have all done us well but with more calves being born and new genetics being purchased we need to make some room.  Miss V8 157/8 is easily the headliner of this group based on her pedigree, performance, and phenotype.  

You have to LOVE this beautifully dark pigmented female, that is big outlined, huge ribbed, long bodied, level made, and heavy structured.  As you might expect from a cow wearing the V8 brand this female is well bred.  Her sire is Mr. V8 243/7 who was recognized early by some of the breed’s most recognized judges with a Grand Champion Title at the San Antonio Livestock Show and a Reserve Champion finish at the Kick Off Classic.  Mr. V8 243/7 is the result of crossing +Mr. V8 380/6, the sire of the most champions from 2011-2017, with +JDH Ms. Water Manso a proven daughter of the legendary Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Sir Liberty Manso with 52 offspring to her credit that includes 13 donor dams and 3 proven sires.  It should be noted that this same proven mating produced the International Champion and proven donor Miss V8 844/7.

The dam to Miss V8 157/8 is +Miss V8 997/5 who is one of the most influential dams in the breed with 88 registered offspring.  In addition to being the dam to Miss V8 157/8 and her National Champion full brother Mr. V8 705/7 she also produced the International Sale High Selling Female Miss V8 765/6, our donor Miss V8 458/7, and the popular herd sire Mr. V8 137/8.  +Miss V8 997/5 is sired by +Mr. V8 901/4 and out of +Miss V8 653/5 who is also the dam to the International Champion +Mr. V8 846/5 “The Rock”.

To further add value to this package Miss V8 157/8 ranks in the top 15% of the breed for Growth, 1% for Ribeye Area, and 10% for Marbling.  She sells bred 4 months to Mr. V8 535/7 #925056 who is a son of +Mr. V8 380/6 and out of the Reserve National & International Champion and proven dam +Miss V8 209/6.

Study this one hard as we think she can impact any progressive operation!

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Sire: Mr. V8 243/7
Sire: Mr. V8 243/7

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