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Lot 10 - Miss L2 J Los Juanita 180

High bid
7 years 45 weeks 4 days 9 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss L2 J Los Juanita 180
Brahman Show Heifer Prospect
JDH Sir Shank Manso 51/7
Miss V8 326/7
L2 Ranch

Ms L2 180

Here is another great female in a little smaller package than Lot 9, her full sister but she definitely does not give up quality. She is a moderate framed female with a big square hip, long and extended through her front end, clean on her underline, and a wide thick top. She is out of the V8 326/7 donor an own daughter ofr Karu 800, out of a Superstroke cow. Her sire is the Lawford son JDH Shank Manso 51/7, a bull that has produced many champion cattle on National and International levels. This female is extremely gentle and easy to be around. She will be a great addition to anyone’s program. Take a look at lot 10! We are selling 100% possession. L2 Ranch reserves the right to 2 successful IVF aspirations following the completion of her show career and 1 st natural calf at our expense.

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