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Lot 10 - Miss Double A 337/1

High bid
4 years 22 weeks 3 days 11 hours 57 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss Double A 337/1
JDH Sir Cristos Manso 173/2
Miss Double A 879/2

Here we admire this female for her overall depth of body and soggy cow power.  She is powerful and moderate and has brood cow written all over her.  She is sired by a bull we are lucky to have been able to purchase from Steve Hudgins, JDH Sir Cristos Manso 173/2, and has started to make a large impact on our herd, especially when crossing with our V8 genetics as we did here!  This young heifer's Dam is a female that we eagerly decided to keep because not only of her genetic package, but she sure was an eye catching, flashy female.  She is out of our past top show female we purchased from V8 Ranch, Miss V8 870/5, that went on to be a National Champion cow for us and proved herself in the pasture shortly afterwards, and sired by +Mr. V8 442/6, who's genetics are sought after.  Here is a female that can go into the show world and hold her own and go on to produce you your own great ones!


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Sire: JDH Sir Cristos Manso 173/2

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