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Lot 10 - Lady H Cindy Manso 217/1

High bid
13 years 21 weeks 2 days 19 hours 53 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Cindy Manso 217/1
June 2, 2011
Mr. V8 442
Lady H Molly Manso 960/7

One of two June babies in this sale, But WOW they are really cool designed heifers with tremendous upside. Cindy 217/1, is another daughter of the V8 442 bull. Mr. V8 442 is a + JDH Karu Manso 800 son out of a + JDH Charley Manso 590 daughter talk about beef and performance! We then bred 442 to the 960/7 donor which is sired by + Maddox 684 over a +Double Take 229/8 daughter. The Cindy 217/1 show heifer is destined greatness. She is only 4 months in these pictures but has all the essentials to be really special. We are keeping a full brother to Cindy 217/1 for ourselves! Here is a great opportunity to get in on some of our freshest matings.

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