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Lot 10 - Lady H Aida Manso 521/3

High bid
10 years 43 weeks 2 days 9 hours 23 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Aida Manso 521/3
Mr H Buckle Manso 111/9 # 887614
Lady Heritage Manso 173 # 797647

The most important trait of any purebred program is consistency in quality. At Heritage our cattle are just different, we don’t try and make just one "good one" each year. We try to make them all good. At the 2014 Major Stock Shows, our customers showed their Heritage females to Grand Champion Honors at Ft.Worth Open Show, Ft.Worth Jr. Show, San Antonio Open Show, ( Sired: San Antonio Jr Show Champion) Houston Jr Show Red Female, Miami International Open Show. Six Grand Champion wins from Six different customers with Six different females. Have a look at Lot 10, Lady H Aida Manso 521/3 she is a line bred powerful November baby using the Cow Family of Lady Heritage Manso 173 ( Dam of Maddox 684 & National Champion Cow Lady H Lanel Manso 911/6 ) From a genenic perspective it would be hard to produce a female any better. From a show career perspective, I think the same can be said...We are reserving the right to aspirate this female one time every year for the rest of her life. You are buying a factory here. JC

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