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Lot 10 - Embryos from an Elite Genetic Mating

High bid
9 years 51 weeks 5 days 12 hours 3 min ago
Lot Information:
Embryos from a Elite Genetic Mating
Red Angus
Red U-2 Big League 7136T, Tattoo: DUA 7136T
Red Soo Line Countess 6125, Tattoo: SOO 125S
Projected EPDs: BW -0.8 WW +54 YW +85 MK +19 TM +46
Six Mile Ranch Ltd
Fir Mountain

Selling 3 Embryos.  Final Price = 3 X Bid Price.

This mating is sure to produce easy calving, exceptionally attracive progeny.  We have a full sibling heifer calf to this mating that looks better every day.  6125 provides the power and perfomance and 7136T refines that package and adds class and structure.

Embryos qualified for CAN, U.S, AUSTRLIA, E.U

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