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Lot 10 - Choice Lot – Miss CBR Ramona 615/6, Miss CBR Rachel 616/6, Miss CBR Roxy 617/6

High bid
7 years 43 weeks 2 days 2 hours 17 min ago
Lot Information:
Choice Lot – Miss CBR Ramona 615/6, Miss CBR Rachel 616/6, Miss CBR Roxy 617/6
+JDH Martin Manso 879
Miss CBR Viva 490/0

Selling the choice of 3 outstanding flush mates by the former National Champion from Herzog cattle and elite sire, +JDH Martin Manso 879. Buyer has option to walk away with 1, 2 or 3 for double or triple the money!

  • Performance in the pedigree: +JDH Martin, +JDH 449, CBR 491, +Mr H Maddox, CBR 422
  • Females excel in overall quality, structural correctness and genetic value.  
  • The kind of females to build an entire program around
  • Pick of the best fall calves from Herzog Cattle!
  • Heifers were started on halters, not selling as halter broke.
  • Heifers located: Chilton, TX  

Sire: +JDH Martin Manso 879

Click To View Pedigree

Dam: Miss CBR Viva 490/0

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Miss CBR Ramona 615/6

DOB : 9/27/16

Miss CBR Rachel 616/6

DOB: 9/27/16


Miss CBR Roxy 617/6

DOB: 10/2/16

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Other Lot Images
Miss CBR Viva 490/0, 2012 National Champion female and donor dam to the females represented.
 Miss CBR Viva 490/0, 2012 National Champion female and donor dam to the females represented.
Other Lot Images
+JDH Martin Manso 879, top Brahman sire in the Brahman world, producer of champion in the US and abroad, and sire of the embryo
 +JDH Martin Manso 879, top Brahman sire in the Brahman world, producer of champion in the US and abroad, and sire of the embryo

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