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Lot 10 - "CASE" MR. V8 481/7 (S) - Semen

High bid
5 years 27 weeks 2 days 3 hours 44 min ago
Lot Information:
Lot 10 - "CASE" MR. V8 481/7 (S) - Semen
MISS V8 427/7 (P)
BW: 2.0 WW: 18.6 YW: 30.6

Mr. V8 481/7 “Case” is a young scurred herdsire that we purchased in the V8 Ranch Online Bull Sale.  He was the high seller in that sale and has done us an outstanding job with his offspring being moderate framed, easy fleshing, dark pigmented, and extremely eye appealing just like his daughter, lot 4, in this sale.   Not only is “Case” built right but he offers a performance profile that charts positive for 10 traits and has a moderate birthweight of 77 lbs. and a 2.7 BW EPD indicating that he should be suitable for Brahman cows and heifers.  As you might expect from a sire that is built so well, is a proven producer and has such outstanding performance he is backed by a great pedigree. His sire is JDH Cannon Manso who is a son of the Maternal Merit Sire (=)JDH Josiah Manso.  The dam to “Case” is a young polled cow of V8 Ranch’s that calved before her third birthday and is a combination of the International Champion +Mr. V8 846/5 “The Rock” and some of the foundation genetics of V8 Ranch & J.D. Hudgins, Inc. Many who follow our program know that we have focused on producing some outstanding polled cattle and “Case” has worked well in our program as he is an outcross to many of the polled genetics in the breed.  We think that polled cattle with outstanding performance, a proven pedigree and a great build will be valuable to the breed and are excited to be able to offer you this semen package that can fit these necessities. This package consists of 5 straws of conventional semen and unlimited AI Certiifcates.

Final Price is 5 times the Bid Price.


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