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Lot 10 - Canela 1BB X C-P 915C4 - 3 IVF Embryos

High bid
5 years 22 weeks 3 days 7 hours 3 min ago
Lot Information:
Canela 1BB X C-P 915C4 - 3 IVF Embryos
C-P 915C4
Canela 1BB
BW: 1.73 WW: 18.27 YW: 29.99 M: 2.81 Tmat: 11.94 SC: 0.53 HCW: 21.56 REA: 0.235 Marb: 0.04 Fat: 0.005 Tend: 0.005 Hpreg: 0.045 BBk: -0.075 Growth Index: 28.3 Carcass Index: 10

Selling 3 IVF Embryos

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

Dam Pedigree

Sire Pedigree

Embryos will ship from TransOva at buyers expense, embryos are cleared for export.

Guarantee: all embryos graded #1 or #2

seller guarantees 1 pregnancy per package, if no pregnancies buyer has option to receive 1 embryo or refund for purchase price of 1 embryo, any freight incured with guarantee will be buyers responsibilty

The picture says enough, a KR 921/15 El Rey daughter, out a Diamond S cow, this heifer puts

It all together eye appeal, growth, and carcass. We are offering 4 different mating’s all will have

6 or more traits in the top 5% and 4 or more traits in top 1%


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