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Lot 10 - Butler Polled Manifesto

High bid
9 years 16 weeks 6 days 6 hours 8 min ago
Lot Information:
Butler Polled Manifesto
Mr. V8 985/6
JDH Isa Irene Manso 169/8
BW: 2.7 WW: 22.8 YW: 35.9 M: 5.0 MBW:-0.2 HCW:20.8 Fat:.006 REA:-0.6 Marb:-.02 % RP:.05 Tend:.08 Doc.:-.2
Butler Farms, Inc.

Butler Polled Manifesto combines leading bloodlines from the V8 and JDH herds, and offers these top genetics in a polled package, which is rare and hard to find. On the top side of his pedigree, you’ll find V8’s best, representing the +Miss V8 98/6 cow family. This is the cow family that started the polled program at V8 and continues to produce high quality herd sires, donor females and high sellers both horned and polled.  It is even more exciting when you think about the explosive genetic mating of V8’s best on the top side combined with the outstanding Hudgins dam on the bottom side. The Berkman daughters are known for being great maternal producers. The quality is bred deep in this bull - in fact, you’ll find 3 Houston Grand Champions in this three generation pedigree (+901/4,+CCS 109/7, and (+)Madison) as well as Berkman, who was Reserve Grand Champion at Houston, and +V8 801/3, who is a National Grand Champion Bull. Quality phenotype is near guaranteed when using this bull. We would like to retain the option to collect semen on this top young sire at our expense and the buyers convenience.

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