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Lot 1 - TTT Lady Suva's Echo 805

High bid
10 years 21 weeks 4 days 20 hours 31 min ago
Lot Information:
TTT Lady Suva's Echo 805
JDH Echo's Lair Manso (864833)
TTT Ms. Suvette Martin 485 (880154)
BW: 2.9, WW: 23.1, YW: 38.6, MILK: 4.5

TTT Lady Suva’s Echo 805 comes straight off the Tic Tac Toe show string. Lots 1 and 2 represent our best fall 2013 calves born at the ranch. We love 805 not only for her fault free structure, but this female is extremely long bodied, level hipped, big topped and feminine fronted. From the side she’s perfectly balanced and catches your eye. She represents Tic Tac Toe in the truest form.

“805” is sired by one of our leading herd sires, a JDH Echo son owned with Dr McKenny, JDH Echo’s Lair Manso. The blend of JDH Echo combined with our signature “Martin” daughters is an outcross we firmly believe in and will continue. You will find JDH Echo Manso, +JDH Liberty and +JDH Marri Manso on the top side of this females pedigree, a powerhouse lineage.

The bottom side of “805’s” pedigree is truly unique. “805” is out of the TTT 485 cow, a +JDH Martin Manso daughter that has been a consistent producer for Tic Tac Toe. Additionally, you will find the Diamond T 101 bull combined with a Tic Tac Toe great, +TTT Mr Suva Crata 450.

Options are endless for the future owner of “805.” She will prove to be a great outcross for many of today’s most popular grey genetics. We think “805” will make an exciting show prospect and future donor.

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