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Lot 1 - TSF Mr. 0258 - ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 Bull

High bid
2 years 47 weeks 19 hours 41 min 47 sec ago
Lot Information:
TSF Mr. 0258
ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 Bull
Sire: JDH Sir Neeley Manso 971/8
Dam: TSF Blacklass D039

For over 30 years we have been raising Brahman, Angus & F-1 cattle.  We have always strived to use the best genetics and incorporate technology. TSF Mr. 0258 is the kind of bull that we strive to produce and have selected him as our lead off lot.  He is moderate in his frame size, huge middled, heavy muscled, and stout structured.  Even with all of this phenotypic power 0258 is the lowest birth weight Brangus F-1 bull that we are offering.




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