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Lot 1 - PCC Golden Girl 326/82

High bid
5 years 42 weeks 5 days 18 hours 54 min ago
Lot Information:
PCC Golden Girl 326/82
+JDH Mr Manso 854/4
Miss V8 326/7

What an elite Opportunity!
Perhaps never before and maybe never again have Brahman enthusiasts had the chance to buy a FULL SIB sister to the reigning All American Grand Champion Grey heifer, but HERE you DO! Not only that, but she has the fundamental framework and headstart to get it done Again!
Golden Girl starts sound from the ground with huge, wide-based feet and tracks just as genuine. She has a long sweeping ribcage that opens up from a massive, wide, muscular top. Yet with all this power, she’s an elegant fronted, feminine heifer calf that combines real power and a Sexy Look into a truly UNIQUE package.
Our sale starter offers the genetic Golden Cross of JD Hudgins with V8. Sired by +JDH Mr Manso 854/4, she’s a paternal sister to breed leaders +JDH Mr Manso 638, “Sir Richard,” among others.
Her mother, Miss V8 326/7, an own daughter of JDH Karu Manso 800, is a paternal sib to multiple International Grand Champion females including Miss V8 137/7, the dam of Mr V8 48/8, “Elvis,” the young Noble son and up and coming Jr. Herd Bull and semen sales leader for our friends at Triple H Brahmans, owned by the Danny and Tyler Hughes Families from Joppa, AL.
Exceptional phenotypic strength fueled by uncompromised genetics, cast in the PCC mold, what more? Maybe just a show halter and a winning attitude, perhaps YOURS!!
PCC reserves 2  successful IVF’s

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Sire - +JDH Mr Manso 854/4
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Dam - Miss V8 326/7

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