PB Dolly 109/2 (P) is one of the top females ever raised by Pinnacle Brahmans and is being offered in this sale to showcase their progressive program. The value in Dolly is her TOTALITY combining show ring success, a proven pedigree, and breed leading performance. Most will be drawn to Dolly due to her show ring success. Each time that Dolly has been shown she was a class winner and recently picked up a division title at the Delta Fair. The phenotypic superiority of Dolly should not be surprising when you realize that she results from the proven combination of Nioka Pablo and LMC LN Polled Pappo 136/6 who are two of the hottest polled sires in the breed. For those that might not know Nioka Pablo is an Australian Polled Sire who was successfully used in his home country before his semen was sent to the USA where he has produced over 100 progeny in the past two years with many show winners and sale toppers to his credit. The dam to Dolly is the result of crossing one of the most proven polled red Brahman sires in the world, LMC LN Polled Pappo 136/6, with a proven dam that combines the top genetics from HK Cattle & 3X Ranch. It should also be noted that the same genetic combination that produced the dam to Dolly is selling as lot 9. For the progressive breeders who are looking for a female that can reduce the birth weight and add marbling they will appreciate the genetic predictors of Dolly that rank in the top 3% for BW EPD and 1/3 of the breed for Marbling EPD. No matter where you place your emphasis PB Dolly 109/2(P) is the answer!