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Lot 1 - Miss V8 745/6

High bid
13 years 23 weeks 3 days 2 hours 20 min ago
Lot Information:
MISS V8 745/6
+MR. V8 287/5
MISS V8 997/5
BW: 2.9 WW: 17.6 YW: 27.6 M: 8.8

Selling one of the good young females on the ranch along with her heifer calf at side sired by International Champion +Mr. V8 846/5 “The Rock”! This means that the buyer of this lot will not only get one of our top young donor prospects on the ranch…but you’ll ALSO get her heifer calf at side, and be able to brand it with your own brand  (or ours)  if desired.

745 is just another classic example of what many buyers are searching for when they come to V8. So many times, our clients will ask us to sell young females from the heart of our herd. If you’re one of those clients, you know that the answer is typically no. Halter broken, she was in the V8 show barn, along with several full brothers and sisters. She is very long bodied with a beautiful udder. As a 5 year old in the prime of her life, she has that V8 look and style. For our first internet sale, we decided to offer our best. This female is a direct daughter of Superstroke out of the prolific donor Miss V8 997/5.  She is a full sister to our $38,000 Houston sale consignment a few years ago that was purchased by Pat Cone. Pat recently reported that her calf born this year was one of the best he’s had born on his ranch.

The 997/5 cow has produced 58 calves for the ranch with 7 of them selling for over five figures. There are 7 full sisters to 745/6 that are donors for V8 or other progressive breeders. She has also produced many show champions for both open breeders and juniors. One of her daughters is currently being shown by Kaleb Bendy, and was a class winner at the 2011 All American, and was Reserve Grand Champion at the 2011 Kickoff Classic junior show as a 11 month old heifer. 

This package is one that offers the great combination of the V8 production and awesome pedigree. She sells with heifer calf at side was born August 15, 2011 and is sired by +Mr. V8 846/5.  This young heifer calf is line bred to some of the greatest cows to ever walk at V8 Ranch, including the dams of both “The Rock” and “Tommy Bahama”

This female needs to be flushed.

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