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Lot 1 - Miss V8 597/6 + Heifer Calf

High bid
10 years 24 weeks 5 days 20 hours 49 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 597/6 + Heifer Calf
Mr. V8 923/5
Miss V8 597/6
BW: +1.4 WW: +17.8 YW: +32.5

Sells with a heifer calf at side, Miss V8 102/8, sired by Mr. V8 977/6. DOB: 5/5/14 BW: 80 lbs. Exposed back to Mr. V8 675/6.  *V8 retains ½ embryo interest and ½ possession in the heifer calf after show career.


YW: +32.5 (Top 20%) Milk EPD: +9.8 (Top 5%) Carc Wt: +22.3 (Top 5%) Fat EPD: -.0007 (Top 20%) REA EPD: +.33 (Top 5%) Retail prod: +.07 (Top15%) Tenderness: -.07 (Top10%)


Miss V8 597/6 is one of the gentlest cows in the sale with a picture perfect udder. Her sire, Mr. V8 923/5, was one of the tightest sheaths son of +JDH Mr. Charley Manwo 590/6. He sold to Brazil for $25,000 and did an outstanding job for the Carvallo Family. He should have. His dam, +Miss V8 484/4, was a prolific ET donor for our ranch, as was her dam +Miss V8 287/3. The 2 donors produced many outstanding calves for us as well as donor females.


Miss V8 630/5, 597/6’s dam was also a donor as was her dam and grandam. In fact, in just her four generation pedigree, 597/6 boasts all her female ancestors as donor cows. All of them. This cow exemplifies our philosophy of breeding great cow families and stacking outstanding females. Her maternal grandsire, +Mr. V8 189/4, is recognized throughout the Brahman world as a sire of outstanding females.


Study the EPD’s on this female. She ranks in the top 20% of the breed in 7 different traits. For milk , carcass weight, and REA she ranks in the top 5%!


Her outstanding May heifer, sired by Mr. V8 977/6 is proof of her production and milking ability. Pictured at only 3 months, there will not be many females sell this year with her quality. V8 Ranch is retaining ½ interest and ½ possession to be in effect after her show career. She will be competitive. She would be in the top five heifers from this spring at the ranch.


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