Miss KI 220 is one of the first live offspring to be sold by the 2022 International Champion Grey Bull JDH Rafiki Manso 893/7. Rarely is there an opportunity to purchase the genetics of an International Champion Bull especially when he wears a J.D. Hudgins brand. Rafiki is sired by JDH Jene Manso a proven sire with 292 registered progeny to include JDH Massai Manso, JDH Turkana Manso, and JDH Sir Zadig Manso 918/6 just to name a few. The dam to Rafiki is a proven donor who calved before her 3rd birthday and each year afterwards, produced 15 offspring to include a J.D. Hudgins herd sire (full brother to Rafiki), and results from two performance-oriented parents. It’s easy to get excited about the top side of 220’s pedigree but don’t overlook the dam that is a $65,500 show heifer, wears a V8 brand, and is backed by some of the most proven and performance-oriented genetics in the breed! Miss V8 280/9 is sired by +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” who sired more show winners over the past four years than any other sire. The dam to 280/9 is a young V8 Ranch donor that is the result of two Register of Renown parents to include the Reserve International Champion +Mr. V8 191/7 and +Miss V8 696/6 who among many other influential offspring produced the 2019 National Champion Cow. We agree that it’s hard to beat the genetics behind Miss KI 220 but don’t overlook the practical build of this female that is deep, long, and feminine. For those looking for the TOTAL package you will appreciate that 220 is progressive in her performance profile ranking in the top 25% of the breed for Growth and Ribeye Area EPD’s. Heifer is located at Rodriguez Cattle Services in Centerville, TX.