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Lot 1 - Miss Double A 56/1

High bid
7 years 43 weeks 5 days 11 hours 33 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss Double A 56/1
Mr. Double A 707/0
Miss Double A 301/5
Double A Ranch

This female is moderate, powerful and about as level as one comes. She is the kind of female that we believe is hard to pick apart and definitely screams "cowy". She was Grand Champion female at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show's open show in March and no doubt had plenty of tough competition. She is sired by the 2012 All-American Reserve Champion bull that has done a tremendous job for us. Her paternal granddam is the 2003 International Champion female, Miss V8 143/6, that we have used extensively in our herd as one of our main donor cows. Her grandsire, JDH Mr. Massey Manso is one of the heaviest used bulls in our program for consistency and cow power.

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