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Lot 1 - Miss 4F 57/9 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
4 years 5 weeks 4 days 3 hours 55 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss 4F 57/9
Sire: Mr. V8 794/7
Dam: Lady H Isabella Manso 906/5
Donor: 4F Cattle Co. - Luis Flores Family

We greatly appreciate The Luis Flores Family and 4F Cattle Co. for donating Miss 4F 57/9 to this sale with ALL of the proceeds being used to start the Ruben Bazan Memorial Scholarship.  Ruben Bazan was the brother and business partner of Rofolfo “Popo” Bazan who is a member of the TBF Board of Directors and has been a huge sponsor since the formation of the foundation.

Miss 4F 57/9 is an extremely deep ribbed and heavy muscled female that comes as performance packed as any charting positive for 11 of the 15 measured traits.

The sire to 57/9 is Mr. V8 794/7 who has been one of the most widely used polled sires in the breed over the past three years.  Many will remember 794/7 gracing the cover of The Brahman Journal as well as part of the V8 Ranch showstring.  Mr. V8 794/7 is sired by the Reserve International Champion, sire of an International Champion (Mr. V8 604/7 “Man of Steel”), and multiple trait leader, +Mr. V8 191/7.  The dam to 794/7 is Miss V8 510/6 who is also the dam to +Mr. V8 279/7 and Miss V8 100/7 (the dam of “Noble”).  You must admit that 794/7 brings some outstanding genetics to the table in a polled package but the dam to 57/9 is equally as proven and impressive. 

Lady H Isabella Manso 906/7 is a donor for 4F Cattle Co..  She was purchased from one of the Heritage Cattle Company Online Sales and is one of the few cows in existence by the Two-Time Central American Champion and performance-oriented sire #SS Principe De Siguacan 87/8.  It should be noted that at 15 months of age 906/7 was aspirated and all but 2 of her calves have been sold to other progressive breeders.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to buy a female that comes with a proven pedigree, outstanding performance, phenomenal phenotype and most importantly support a great cause!


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Sire: Mr. V8 794/7
Sire: Mr. V8 794/7

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