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Lot 1 - Logan Covarrubias - Grand Champion Steer

High bid
3 years 46 weeks 1 day 13 hours 35 min ago
Lot Information:
Exhibitor: Logan Covarrubias
Grand Champion Steer
Club: Big Cypress 4-H Steer
Weight: 1329

Lot 1 - #42 - Logan Covarrubias: High my name is Logan Covarrubias, I am wind clan and 11 years old, also I am from the Big Cypress Community. My experience with my steer was fun but hard at the same time. This was my first time doing it and I think I did well for my first time. I learned that the steer was hard to work with when I first got him. I have a greater appreciation for rancher and farmers.

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