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Lot 1 - LMC LF Polled Carl

High bid
7 years 42 weeks 4 days 18 hours 28 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC LF Polled Carl
Polled/S Brahman Bull
Mr. V8 279/7
JDH Lady Manso 993
BW; 2.1, WW; 19.6, YW; 30.4, M; 5.0
La Muneca-Flores

Lot 1 LMC LF Carl 225/5 (P/S) – Selling full possession and ½ semen interest.

Polled Carl has been a good looking herd bull prospect since he was a baby due to his correctness, strong back, breed character, muscle, cleanliness and pigment. He is one of three full sibs that are all outstanding sired by the popular MR V8 279/7 (P) and our JDH 993 donor that is a granddaughter of the famous + JDH Atlas Manso. He won Junior and Reserve Grand Champion at the recent RGV Open Show which is the only time he has ever been shown. He is a paternal grandson of the great +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso who is one of the all-time great JDH sires as he has produced sale toppers and major champions all over the Brahman World.

We sold a full brother to Polled Carl that is red and good to the Enrique Ramos family who are breeding cows to him now. Another full sib that also would have made a top herd bull was the Grand Champion Brahman Steer at the 2017 RGV Steer Show shown by Tres “Pops” Guerra (see photo below). We are flushing a maternal sister, LMC LF Polled Diva to him this month as a virgin heifer. She is as good as it gets (see photo below).

One of the secrets to a successful breeding program is to use fault free herd bulls with great pedigrees, sound bodies and docile dispositions out of good uddered cows. Polled Carl offers the total package and can put your POLLED Brahman Program on the map. He will also be a great one to use to produce F-1 cattle. We are retaining ½ semen interest as we feel he has semen sales potential as he develops plus plan to use him through AI. He is wide chested, well balanced, travels well, has a clean sheath, is fertility tested, has 36 CM testicles and is ready to go work .

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Dam and number one donor at 4F Cattle Co. - Louie Flores Family.
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Full brother - 2017 Grand Champion Brahman Steer at RGV Show for "Pops" Guerra.
Full brother - 2017 Grand Champion Brahman Steer at RGV Show for "Pops" Guerra.
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LMC LF Polled Diva - maternal sister sired by LMC Polled Sambo.

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