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Lot 1 - Lady L Viveka Rojo 346

High bid
5 years 48 weeks 6 days 13 hours 8 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady L Viveka Rojo 346
+Mr Winchester Magnum 999/3 
Lady L Rivka Rojo 195

Pump the brakes....Pump the brakes..... Take another look at this little gal. She’s as good as we’ve raised and Jeremy’s favorite! 

Viveka is sired by the International Grand Champion, and arguably the most influential Red bull on the planet, +Mr Winchester Magnum 999/3. Her Dam, Lady L Rivka Rojo 195 was a many time division champion shown by Adelyn Allen and Brandy Barnes and is a big time donor cow in the making! She is one of the first daughters of the 2014 International Grand Champion +Mr SG 111/1 in production. Rivkas’ mother Miss KC Ruby 808/4, does not disappoint either; She is an own daughter of +BB Sting Ray 10/0 and from the phenomenal female +JDH Shelby.  

Vivekas’ flush mate,  1 month her senior won the very competitive class #1 at the 2019 International show and we believe Viveka has what it takes to follow in her sisters footsteps. We appreciate Viv for her massive rib shape, strength of top, bone, and style. 

Selling ½ interest/Full possession. Or double your winning bid and take 100%. 

 Buyer has option to leave Viveka 346 with 4L. 

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Sire - +Mr Winchester Magnum 999/3 
Sire - +Mr Winchester Magnum 999/3 
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Dam - Lady L Rivka Rojo 195
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