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Lot 1 - Lady H Kerri Manso 208/1

High bid
13 years 26 weeks 2 days 13 hours 29 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Kerri Manso 208/1
February 5, 2011
+Mr. H Maddox Manso 684
Lady H Reyna Manso 655

Kerri 208/1 is a Awesome February baby that is tailor made for those wanting to hit the majors! Kerri stands on big bone and tracks flawlessly. She is super thick with good length and body capacity. Her sire is the Register of Renown bull + Mr.H Maddox Manso 684, a proven producer of champions and presently one of the more consistent sires in the United States. The Dam of Kerri 208/1, Lady H Reyna Manso 655, is a daughter of + SS Principe De Siguacan 87/8. Principe 87/8 is the Two time Central American Grand Champion bull that we imported from Guatemala.  Study the genetics behind Kerri 208/1. Many of the breed's icons. Champion on Champion -Trait Leaders - Register of Renowns     * Way too much to write... Get her bought and we will talk

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Sire of Lot 1 - +Mr. H Maddox Manso 684
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Dam of Lot 1 - Lady H Reyna Manso 655

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