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Lot 1 - JDH Vance Manso 952/4

High bid
9 years 46 weeks 5 days 15 hours 34 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Vance Manso 952/4
JDH Mr Elmo Manso 309/4
Miss Royal K 102/7
BW 3.9 WW 28.7 YW 46.4 M 3.9

Selling full possession and 50% breeding interest

Pen Score 1-Scrotal 40-BW 84-IMF % 3.81-REA/cwt 1.04-Frame Score 8

JDH Vance Manso 952/4 starts the sale this year and has been a favorite of those who have come to view the offering.  Carrying a tremendous amount of bone and thickness in a sound and free moving package, 952/4 is the easy going type of bull that breeders have come to expect from Elmo.  He is powerful and still stylish, with plenty of length and width.  Big topped, wide behind the hump and over the loin, 952/4 packs about as much meat as you can pack into a bull and still maintain functionality and eye appeal.


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