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Lot 1 - JDH Lady Darla Manso 114

High bid
5 years 15 weeks 3 days 12 hours 1 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Darla Manso 114
JDH Layton De Manso 701/8
JDH Ms Vicki Manso 928/7
BW: 1.8 WW: 34.1 YW: 49.3 M: 5.7

Lady Darla is a top quality female standing on excellent feet and legs and exhibiting the beef qualities we all desire.  This female has tremendous body capacity, thickness, bone and eye appeal.  The pedigree of Lady Darla is recognizable throughout the Brahman world.  She is sired by the International Grand Champion bull, JDH Layton De Manso 701/8 who is a son of the International Grand Champion by JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5.  The dam of Lady Darla is a top producer who is sired by the popular International Grand Champion bull JDH Woodson De Manso 206/7.  On the dam side of her pedigree is the International Grand Champion female, JDH Annissa Manso 892/5 another top producing female. 

Act BW  68   Curr Wt 870   Frame Score 6.7   Doc Score 1    Hip Ht 51 


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