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Lot 1 - Choice of Polled/S Brahman Show Heifer Prospects

High bid
5 years 27 weeks 6 days 12 hours 37 min ago
Lot Information:
Choice of Polled/S Brahman Show Heifer Prospects - LMC LF Polled Baby Doll
1A- 1/9/19 1B - 1/13/19
Mr. V8 794/7
LMC 4F Polled Diva 46/6
La Muneca-Flores Cattle Co.

Lot 1 – Selling Choice of two V8 794/7 x LMC LF Polled Diva Baby Show & Donor Prospects. Decision to be made by August 31, 2019. 


It has always been a practice for us to introduce a drip of NEW BLOOD every year. It works, we turn into a drop the next year and if not, we try something else. We like to use semen from a new bull or maybe buy a retiring show heifer from a junior or a flush from a proven donor, all are good. This past year we invested in semen on V8 794/7 (P) to use on our number one POLLED Donor – LMC LF Polled Diva. IT WORKED GREAT ! 


We were going to keep one to turn this drip of NEW BLOOD into a drop but could not make up our minds, so we decided to offer the Brahman World our freshest genetics and let you guys decide which is the best for your program. We love both and look forward to their progressive impact on the breed. 10/9 is the growthiest and 63/9 is the thickest but both can help the breed grow. IT IS YOUR PICK !! 


Their dam is our best POLLED donor and is good as it gets. Her sire is our popular LMC Polled Sambo who has a beautiful daughter in this sale (Lot 7). He is A BEEF MACHINE as is his sire and Register of Renown Polled Dam. Their maternal grand dam, JDH 993 is 4F’s best cow and has produced herd sires for ERB Cattle Co, Albert de Leon, a RGVLS Grand Champion Brahman steer for Pops and a full donor sister for 4F whose calf sells as Lot 2.  She goes back to the great +JDH Atlas Manso. 


Their sire is the popular V8 794/7 (P) who is a son of the massive champion V8 191/7 who is one of the better +JDH Avery Manso sons ever produced. 191/7’s dam is the famous +V8 464/6 who won both Houston and the World Brahman Congress. She was sired by the powerful (+) JDH Mr. Charley’s Manso. Throw in +V8 188/5 and you have one of the more productive V8 cow families in history. We all know that great herds are built around great families !! These heifers have lots of goodness top and bottom. They are some of the first to sell from V8 794/7 (P). 


We sold a full sister to these baby dolls for $10,500 in our last sale to Mackie Simpson who is putting together a great herd of Polled Brahman cattle. We were Simbrah partners with his grandpa in the 80’s. 


Buyer will get two units of semen on any available sire owned by LMC and or 4F Cattle Co. to AI this heifer to. This lot is eligible for all LMC Jr. Benefits which are described in intro letter. 


Sellers are retaining two IVF flushes.



1A-  BW 2.9, WW 29.4, YW 45.7, MILK 6.0        

1B - BW 2.9, WW 29.4, YW 45.7, MILK 6.0


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Other Lot Images
Dam - LMC LF Polled Diva (P)
Dam - LMC LF Polled Diva (P)
Other Lot Images
Sire - MR V8 794/7 (P)
Sire - MR V8 794/7 (P)

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