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Lot 1 - BCC Bullet

High bid
5 years 47 weeks 22 hours 12 min 52 sec ago
Lot Information:
BCC Bullet
Purebred Simbrah
BCC Power Driver
BCC Assassins Lady
CE 9.4 BW 5130 WW 57.00 YW 83.40 MM 21.05 API 90.0

Bullet is the youngest of these impressive bull prospects but has all the potential in the world for someone who needs a future herdsire or in the market for a Club calf that can put you in the purple.  This Power Driver son has been among the favorites since he was born.  Huge muscle over his top, great lines, clean made, and big footed puts this bull at the top of many visitors lists when viewing these cattle.

Bullet is a grandson to our Assassin bull that was Res Champion Pen bull in Denver that we purchased and has done a great job producing donor females like this bulls mother, BCC Assassins Lady.  She has produced some really good females at her young age and this bull is a testament that she can get some eye appealing and muscular bull calves on the ground as well.  Baring Cattle Company reserves the right to collect 100 units of semen at seller’s expense for unrestricted use if left for a herd bull.

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