For our second online show heifer sale, we once again held nothing back. Paisley 190/2 may be the best female to ever grace our pastures, and we’re offering her to you. She was the first of this ET group to arrive, and man did she set the bar high since day 1. Her dam is +Lady H Emma Manso 288/2, a tremendous producer who hits the mark every time. +Emma 288/2 was a champion in her own right, winning the 2013 All-American out of the calf division, along with multiple other titles in her storied show career. The true mark of a great one though is their ability to outproduce themselves, which +Emma 288/2 has done by raising a National Champion female, International Champion female, Reserve National Champion female, and 2-time ABBA Premier Gray show cow of the year, making Paisley a half sibling to these successful champions. Paisley is sired by one of the hottest bulls in the breed today, +M2 BRC Captain 518/1, who quickly achieved the Register of Renown status through his progeny’s success, highlighted by siring the 2023 International Grand Champion Female. As expected from her superior pedigree, Paisley is also elite in her phenotype. She is one of the largest statured Captain calves we’ve had, who also excels in terms of her femininity and brood cow look. It’s not often you can find one that has this much body, rib shape and capacity, yet still has that extension and femininity through her head and neck. Watching her get out and move only excites you more, because she’s so soft and flexible in her lower joints, all while holding herself together so well in motion. Her dark blue pigment also gives you the option to breed her red or grey after you finish hanging banners with her. They don’t get much better than this, and no matter what you get her bought for – it will be a bargain. Bid again.
Special Terms
Bentke Cattle Company is selling 100% possession and 50% breeding interest, consisting of retaining the right to two (2) aspirations per calendar year beginning after the conclusion of the female’s show career at the buyer’s convenience and the seller’s expense.