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CH032 - Flush

High bid
14 years 3 weeks 5 days 3 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
Made Right
SLDK Miss Nike S11 ET

 Selling The Right To Flush

Here you go—an opportunity to flush one of the nicest Made Right daughters that we have laid eyes on!! Made right sired the 2011 & 2010 Champions at San Antonio and the 2010 Champion and Reserve Champion steers at Fort Worth. Not only is she sired by the hottest bull going in the Hereford show steer business but she is out of our Nike donor cow. Nike’s first calf was Reserve Champion in Fort Worth in 2011. This female has great extension, balance and extra dimension. You are buying the right to flush this female after her first natural calf. Don’t miss this opportunity to take advantage of some awesome genetics in one super cool package!


Flush will be to the bull of the Buyers Choice. Carver Herefords guarantees 6 transferable embryos.

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