Quinte Cattlemen's Winter Stocker Sale, All Vaccinated



Campbellford, ON
Campbellford, ON

Quinte Cattlemen's Winter Stocker Sale, All Vaccinated

Hoards Station Sale Barn, Campbellford, ON

January 27th, 2012 11:00 am

For more info, contact Dave DeNure at 705-653-3660


The Jan. 27/12 Quinte Stocker Sale at 11 a.m. at Hoard's Station will have a video feature in addition to the regular format.  It will be broadcast LIVE on the website www.cattleinmotion.com .  Buyers will have the opportunity to bid online.  For further information regarding the video sale details, you can contact Sarah Buchanan [e-mail sarah@cattleinmotion.com or by phone at 519 546 3352].


As of Mon., Jan. 23, consigned totals for the sale are in the 650 - 675 range with the potential to reach 750 + by sale date.  The offering at present is comprised of approx 80% calves and 20% heavier cattle.  The vast majority of the calves have been weaned for a significant perod of time.  Many of the heavier cattle have been double moved.

This is an "all vaccinated' sale with the majority of the cattle receiving modified live vaccine.

Additional added value features often include vaccinations for blackleg, Pasteurella, and Somnus as well as parasite control.  Char and CharX, LimoX, Angus and AngusX [mainly B. Angus] make up the major part of the offering.

                            Feature One-Owner Lots

[i]Approx 100 CharX and Xbred calves - fairly even distribution of heifers and steers- most will be in the 600 - 700lb. range - double vaccinated 3+ weeks apart in Dec./11 with a killed 4-way + Lepto, as well as Blackleg and Somnus and parasite control - neck vaccinated, heifers guaranteed open, and steers were banded or pinched as young calves -all are weaned- on creep feeder, corn silage, and dry hay - most calves were born in Apr.- May/11.

[ii]51 CharX calves [26 heifers, 25 steers] in 600 - 750 lb. weight range- live vaccinated and given parasite control Oct 22/11 - neck vaccinated, heifers guaranteed open and steers banded at birth - cowherd is vaccinated yearly with modified live - weaned since early November - on dry hay, corn silage, and since Jan, 1 lb/day/calf of 15 % pellets - free choice salt and mineral - Mar. 8 - May 8 birthdates

[iii]40 LimoX and CharX heifers in 800 lb. weight range - all double moved - vaccinated with modified live 5-way + Pasteurella when purchased - parasite control applied in early Dec./11 - no implants - guaranteed open - fed corn silage, balage, dry hay, and 2 lb./day/animal of Vintage pellets

[iv]30 B. AngusX calves [12 heifers, 18 steers] in 600 - 700 lb. weight range - vaccinated with modified live 5-way vaccine + Pasteurella, blackleg, and given parasite control on Nov. 26 and boosted for blackleg 3 weeks later- Age Verified [born mid April - June] - Angus tags

-neck vaccinated subQ - heifers guaranteed open and steers castrated surgically - weaned late Nov. - free choice grass hay and Vintage 15% pellets - Sires selected for 4 lb. + gain/day and triple A marbling -  eligible for natural beef program - some have had Rumensin in feed since late Nov.

Updates will be provided if there are major additions to consigned numbers.

For further or more specific information, please feel welcome to contact Dave DeNure [e-mail daveyd@xplornet.com , fax 705 653 4610 or phone 705 653 3660] or Denton Meiklejohn [e-mail farmerdenton@yahoo.ca , fax 613 395 0028 or phone 613 395 2008].


Process to Bid Online

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3. Sign Up for the Quinte Cattlemen's Winter Stocker Sale


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