Quinte Cattlemen's All Vaccinated Stocker Sale
RR #5
Campbellford, ON
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We have a smaller offering than usual - 325 -350 range - with almost 100% vaccinated.
There is a mix of heavier [800 lb +] cattle and calves [which for the most part have been weaned].
Char and CharX form the largest group among the breeds represented.
This is a video sale with the video feature being managed by Sarah Buchanan [sarah@cattleinmotion.com or
phone 519 546 3352]
Feature One-Owner Lots
[i]47 CharX calves [26 steers, 21 heifers] in the 600 - 750 lb. weight range - vaccinated with a live 5-way +
Pasteurella, Blackeg, and parasite control in mid December -heifers are guaranteed to be open - steers were
castrated in mid December - weaned since early January - live vaccinated cowherd - being fed 2nd cut hay,
Lean Plus pellets and grain/pea balage
[ii]46 steers in the 950 lb. weight range - live vaccine + parasite control in Dec./12 - all double moved and guaranteed to be properly steered - fed hay,corn silage, and distillers grain - will sell in large ring lots
[i]32 calves largely in the 600 - 700 lb. weight range - Simm. influence - vaccinated but specific information
not available - being consigned by a producer with a longtime credibility in the beef industry
For further informaton you can contact Dave DeNure at 705 653 3660 or Denton Meiklejohn at 613 395 2008.
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