Quinte Cattlemen's All Vaccinated Stocker Sale

RR #5
Campbellford, ON
See map: Google Maps
Click Here to View some of the Preshot Cattle
As of Monday, Oct. 22, there are approximately 525 - 550 cattle consigned for the Quinte Stocker Sale to be held
at Hoard's Station on Friday, Oct. 26 at 11 a.m. This sale is an "all vaccinated" with the video feature. For further information regarding the video aspect, you can contact Sarah Buchanan at email sarah@cattleinmotion.com.
There is the likelihood that the consigned numbers will reach 650 - 700 by sale date. Presently, the offering is
fairly evenly split between calves and yearlings. The majority of the cattle have been vaccinated with live vaccine
with added value features often including Pasteurella, Blackleg, and Somnus as well as parasite control.
The majority of the yearlings have been "double moved".
Feature One-Owner Lots
[i] 135 heifers and approximately 50 steers in the 900 lb weight range - this group includes CharX and high quality Xbred
cattle that will sell in large ring lots - all are double moved - heifers guaranteed to be open and steers properly castrated
- all received live vaccine and parasite control going to pasture
[ii]approximately 55 Char and CharX calves in the 500 - 650 weight range - fairly even split between heifers and steers-
heifers guaranteed to be open and steers guaranteed to be properly steered - vaccinated for Blackleg and given parasite control in May/12 and vaccinated with a live 4-way with Pasteurella on Sept. 24- most born in Mar. - Apr/12 from a vaccinated cowherd - on pasture and started on hay
[iii]45 B. Ang. X Limo [mostly black calves] heifers and steers in the 450 - 500 lb. weight range - vaccinated with live 5-way
+ Pasteurella and Blackleg in May and boosted with live 5-way + Pasteurella, Blackleg, and Somnus in early Oct.
- heifers are guaranteed to be open and steers were castrated surgically - Age Verified [born Mar. - Apr. ] - cowherd
vaccinated live - on pasture with balage supplement
[iv]30 - 40 CharX heifers and steers ranging from 700 - 1000 lb. - heifers guaranteed open and steere banded at birth -
vaccinated 4weeks apart in Feb./12 with killed 4-way + Lepto, Blackleg and Somnus and given parasite control in Feb
and again mid summer - on haylage, corn silage and grain
[v]30 Limo calves in the 600 lb. +/- weight range - approx 10 heifers and 20 steers from a vaccinated cowherd -
heifers guaranteed open and steers castrated surgically - born between Mar. 23 and end of April - vaccinated with killed 4-way + Somnus on Sept. 10 and boosted on Oct. 1 + Blackleg - Parasite control in spring and again a few days before sale - on pasture and started on corn silage Oct. 12
For further information contact Dave DeNure [705 653 3660, Fax 7056534610 email daveyd@xplornet.com ] or

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