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Start: 03/26/2015 12:00 am
End: 03/28/2015 11:59 pm
Russ Crawford Offering includes Frozen Semen, Embryos and Flushes Start: 03/28/2015 12:00 am
WELCOME to our LMC GenePLUS Online Sale VII! As everyone else in the cattle business, we are excited about the record prices being paid for beef cattle all over our great country. Now is a great time to invest in top quality seed stock to insure that your genetics continue to demand a premium. We are very proud of our offering in this sale. Please review each lot and consider investing in those that you feel will help you to accomplish your genetic goals. Start: 03/28/2015 11:44 pm
6:00 pm EST at Deer Lake Farms Sunrise Charolais Bridor Charolais Echo Spring Charolais
Start: 03/28/2015 11:57 pm
Cow-Boys Angus Bull Sale
2:00 PM CST - March 28, 2015 Taylor Auctions, Melita, MB Ramrod Cattle Co Cor Vet Cattle Co Start: 03/28/2015 11:59 pm
Gerrard Cattle Company Ltd - Lots 97-103 Ossim Livestock/Springside Farms - Lots 85-96 Start: 03/28/2015 11:59 pm
NEW LOCATION AT THE RANCH! Viewing starts at 10:00 am, Lunch at 11:30 am, Sale Time 12:30 pm MST.Selling 40 Purebred Red Angus and Simm/Angus Yearling bulls. Also packages of replacement heifers. 403-665-2023 Blake Morton's cell 403-820-4162, Darcy Olesky's cell 403-820-1830, Dan Skeels 403-783-1217, www.shilohcattle.comStart: 03/28/2015 11:59 pm
J&S Cattle
Triple L Angus Randy & Kim Tetzlaff & Family |