Monday May 26, 2014
Saturday May 31, 2014
Start: 05/31/2014 11:15 pm
Start: 05/31/2014 11:52 pm
Tuesday June 10, 2014
Start: 06/10/2014 11:36 pm
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Turn ‘em Out Bull Sale.
Sheidaghan Anghus is joining forces with Kim and Susan Robertson of Saskalta Farms at Cowtown Livestock on Tuesday, June 10 at 1:00 pm. We will be offering a total of
30 – 35 bulls, 15 – 18 of which will be ours. So if you find yourself in need of another quality bull keep this sale in mind.
Monday June 23, 2014
Tuesday June 24, 2014
Start: 06/24/2014 12:00 am