LMC GenePLUS Online Sale XXIX

THANK YOU for checking out our sale. This is our 29th GenePLUS Online Sale. We want to start off by THANKING all of our previous buyers, bidders and good folks at CIM. We are once again sharing our best in Polled Brahman, Simbrah and Simbravieh genetics.
There are some very special lots in this sale that can add value to your breeding programs. From the exciting Lot 1 Choice of two Baby Dolls to the stout 6G lots, the QUALITY IS DEEP throughout this sale. If you love Brahmans and Simbrah like we do and want to be competitive in the show ring, check out our show prospects. They are some of our best ever !! The semen lots are all awesome. The baby dolls are spectacular, the bulls are all solid and the heifers are all the keeping kind.
All LMC Show heifer prospects qualify for our LMC Jr. Benefits which include free semen from any available LMC Sire to AI this heifer until the junior that buys them graduates from high school, participation in the LMC Futurity, Simmental-Simbrah Super Bowl and the opportunity to sell your LMC heifer in one of our online sales in the year that you retire your heifer from showing.
We have a great offering with lots of reference photos and footnotes that explain what these cattle are. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carlos Jr. at 956-330-1963, Victor at 956-607-5515 or myself at 956-802-1641.
We are proud of all of our Guerra Family Scholarship and LMC & Friends ANIMO award winners at the summer State & National Brahman & Simbrah shows. We are proud to have participated in the 4th Annual Brahman Foundation Summer Leadership Camp at TAMUK and want to thank our good friends Dr. Hussey and his great staff for going the extra mile in making this camp very educational and inspiring. We look forward to our 32 Annual LMC Jr. Round Up & LMC Futurity to be held here at La Muneca on October 5th. It is an all-day educational, family oriented and fun filled field day open to the public for free. We want to make sure to do our part in helping to create as many young AGvocates as possible.
Our next sale will be our LMC & Friends Giving THANKS Sale VI to be held right before Thanksgiving. 100% of every lot will be donated to the scholarship or junior organization of donor’s choice. Please contact any of us if interested in participating.
We want to thank our associates and friends that have cattle in this sale. Please feel free to contact them as well. As always, we will assist the new owners with hauling by getting the cattle as close to you as possible.
We THANK YOU in advance for your support. Feel free to come see the cattle here at LMC. Let’s pray for a great and wet fall.
Su amigo,
Carlos X. Guerra
Carlos X. Guerra
Close Out Process
This Sale will feature the Cattle In Motion All In - All Done Sale Close Out Format.
With this close out, as the time counts down No Bidding can happen within 5 minutes of the close of ALL Lots. So if the Lots are set to close at 7PM and with four minutes left (6:56PM), some one bids on lot 4, then enough time is added back to the clock to allow ALL lots to have 5 minutes (new close time is 7:01PM on ALL Lots), and the countdown resumes. Then if someone bids on Lot 8 at 6:59PM, then ALL lots are extended until 7:04PM. this process will go on until no one bids for a period of 5 minutes on ANY Lot.
Process to Bid Online
To be able to Bid Online for this sale, You will have to have completed the Following 3 Steps:
2. Complete Lifetime Verification
3. Sign Up for this Sale