Infinity Cattle Services Presents Tip Of Texas Online Brahman Sale

Dear Brahman Enthusiasts:
I want to first thank you on behalf of the consignors for your interest in this sale. This concept came about from several breeders in the Rio Grande Valley as a two fold mission: (1) an opportunity for breeders who had quality cattle but not enough to host their own sale (2) the opportunity to showcase the superior cattle in the Rio Grande Valley in a cooperative effort. I can not express how pleased I am with this offering and the opportunity to work with these progressive breeders and offer this service. I want to thank each of the consignors for digging deep and consigning cattle and genetic packages that represent their programs.
I hope that you study the offering carefully as there are a lot of good opportunities and some that may never be offered again. We have tried to provide you as much information as possible on the lots to help make your selections. However, if you have any questions or need assistance I hope that you will contact me or any of the consignors.
We have received several questions regarding sale terms for online sales. The following sale terms apply to this online sale:
Once a bid is made and confirmed, it cannot be retracted. Once a bidder places a bid, and if the bid is the high/winning bid, the bidder is obligated to purchase the lot at the bid price. Any winning bidder who refuses to pay for a lot may be banned from all future online auctions.
Placing a high/winning bid is a binding contract between the bidder and the owner/seller.
The cattle are located at their respective ranches. An invoice with payment instructions will be sent to each buyer’s registered e-mail address at the close of bidding. This e-mail will include the address and contact information of the seller of the lot(s) purchased. If you do not receive an invoice via your e-mail in 24 hours after the close of the auction please contact our office immediately at 713-202-1747 or It will be the buyer’s responsibility to contact the seller to arrange pick-up which should occur within 7 days of the sale unless otherwise negotiated with the seller. It is expected that any animals not picked up within seven days after the sale without pre-arrangement with the seller will be charged $5/day.
The specifics of the genetic lots is outlined in the description of the lot. Embryos and Semen will be sold at "X" times the money depending on the number in the respective lot.
Hauling of the live cattle can be arranged.
Health papers can be provided on request. Special testing or export health testing will be at the buyer's expense. Please call your state vet office for permits, requirements etc.
Once payment is received, the registration certificates will be transferred to the buyer and genetic lots released to the name of the buyer.
The sale will be conducted through the All in All Done Format that is described below. This is an internet sale which means that things can potentially go wrong. I encourage you to refresh your page frequently especially if all of a sudden the timer indicates that the sale has “Expired”. Many times if you refresh you will see that the sale is still ongoing.
I wish you the best of luck and hope that you benefit from your purchases!
Chris Shivers
Sale Manager
List of Consignors:
4F Cattle Co.
Louie Flores: 956-457-0205
Marco Flores: 956-655-8209
D3 Cattle
Mikey De Los Santos
Double A Ranch
Danny Acevedo: 956-802-9070
Evan Acevedo: 956-607-2212
ELC Cattle Company
Jaime & Emilio Flores
Jaime: 956-457-1088
Emilio: 956-457-2434
El Salinas Ranch
Beto Salinas
Ranch Manager: Raul Benavides - 956-467-9724
England Cattle Company
Mike England: 956-330-0916
Benton England: 956-373-1886
HM Cattle Company
Hondo Martinez
JLV Cattle
Dylan Brown
La Muneca Cattle Company
Carlos Guerra: 956-802-1641
Victor Guerra: 956-607-5515
Carlos Guerra, Jr.: 956-330-1963
La Negra Cattle Company
Javier Moreno
RB Ranch
Rodolfo Bazan
SRS Land & Cattle
Sam Sparks
Close Out Process
This Sale will feature the Cattle In Motion All In - All Done Sale Close Out Format.
With this close out, as the time counts down No Bidding can happen within 5 minutes of the close of ALL Lots. So if the Lots are set to close at 7PM and with four minutes left (6:56PM), some one bids on lot 4, then enough time is added back to the clock to allow ALL lots to have 5 minutes (new close time is 7:01PM on ALL Lots), and the countdown resumes. Then if someone bids on Lot 8 at 6:59PM, then ALL lots are extended until 7:04PM. this process will go on until no one bids for a period of 5 minutes on ANY Lot.
Process to Bid Online
To be able to Bid Online for this sale, You will have to have completed the Following 3 Steps:
2. Complete Lifetime Verification
3. Sign Up for this Sale